My first reading with Kathleen was a birthday present from my sister. I was skeptical and considered not going. I have been to other psychics in the past, most were quacks and one who was amazing, considering these odds I wasn’t expecting much. Boy was I in for a surprise! I was amazed at the things she knew and no possible way for her to know these things. The most amazing thing happened a couple weeks after the reading. She told me I would be moving, it was a state by the water, she thought South Carolina and there was some kind of military connection. I knew that was the most impossible and unbelievable thing I herd in awhile but she insisted she knew what she was talking about. About a week after this my husband got a job offer but he would have to go out of state, he said it was in Arizona. Although he had been out of work for awhile I knew he wouldn’t be able to up and leave home like that, we are middle aged home bodies. The guy kept pestering him about the job and my husband said, you know what, there’s nothing here and I think I’m going to do it. Since he decided to go, I wanted to know details so I called the man who was in charge of the job. I asked him what part of Arizona would they be working, he said it wasn’t Arizona it was New Orleans. I asked other details about the job and what they would be doing, he said they would be paving at the Naval air station. I hung up and got half way to the living room and it hit me, moving..state by the water..military connection.. I was so shocked I just stopped where I was standing and let it all sink in. I later found out the company was working on a job in South Carolina before coming to the job in New Orleans.
I’ve had a phone reading and email questions since my first reading and she amazes me every time. Kathleen is very inspirational, things that didn’t make sense are put into perspective and make life a little easier to live.